You are strategic about getting value for your money.
This shopper is focussed on the Journey and Strategy
No Fuss Shopper – Just Make It Painless and Quick
Shopping is a necessary evil and not considered enjoyable. Buying a gift, some clothes or something from the hardware store must be done. If it is quick and painless, all the better. The majority of these types of shoppers I have come across are more often than not, male.
Need I say this shopper is all about Destination and Strategy
Thrift And Thrill Shopper– I Will Line Up To Get That Deal
You love a bargain, you love the hunt for a bargain and you will do almost anything to close that deal.
Buying new items may not even be your style of shopping, some of my Thrift and Thrill friends love to purchase used or vintage items and love to recycle pre-loved items. For you it is less about the brand name tag than the price tag. You most likely buy generic brands including your homewares, grocery and clothing and love to get the very best deal possible.
This shopper is focussed on Journey and Strategy
Gambler's Choice Shopper
You have a little of most of the above shopping categories in your personality.
It may be situational. I am a No Fuss Shopper when it comes to buying petrol. I roll up, pump and pay. I don’t think much past that.
I do have the Thrift and Thrill inclination particularly in grocery shopping.
I am a Planner, I comparison shop mainly tech and sometimes a girl just needs to strut into Prada and get those sunglasses! Yes, I am Impatient too.
The important thing is what we can learn from each type of shopper. After all life is too short to not make the most of how we spend our time and where we spend our money.
Check out What Our Shopping Personalities Teach Us